
Sunday 23 February 2014

Hot, dry and thirsty....

People who are into gardens, generally love to hear about all kinds of gardening around the world too. Since I have joined the realm of the' Blogger', I now have a more intimate insight into gardens on the other side of the world. I read lots of other gardening blogs and am always fascinated to read about the opposite seasons of what we have. Their seasons are not only opposite to what we are experiencing, but often a lot harsher than ours.

 Whilst I pray (and whinge a fair bit) about the drought we are sick of, and the extreme heat - that we're over! I read about many folks on the other side of the world, tucked up inside, with snow, rain and chill .Short days with no hope of any gardening for months! I wondered what it would be like to have no garden for months, asleep under the snow till Spring . The dedication of the gardeners who move all manner of tender plants into hothouses, covering others with snow protection blankets and placing tender seedlings indoors! Saying farewell to their gardens as they lose leaves and go to sleep for the season under a blanket of cold snow. I realise that I am fortunate to live in a temperate region that varies greatly with four seasons, but still allows me to garden year round. We have harsh conditions in many parts of Australia that certainly try the keenest gardener, and maybe that's why I'm always buggered and English gardeners are ready to garden like the clappers come spring. They're all rested up over winter!

Still, a decent rain, would certainly bring a little joy back into my garden and free up some of the time I spend watering and moving hoses - remember! we are on one and a half acres - no easy feat to keep watered.

This isn't gardening!! It's exhausting, and still looks dry and crappy. I don't bother with many 'pretties' this time of the year, it's hard enough keeping established plants alive. I'm also holding off from giving all my roses ( many,many roses) the summer prune they need - I don't want to scorch the foliage that will be exposed on extremely hot days -February is usually our hottest month! I never thought I'd be one of those people wishing summer over, yet please, please let it be over. Bush fires started our Spring off, the worst our State has seen, and it's been a hot, dry summer ever since. (Sigh)

It's threatened to rain many times, and even teased with a light shower - you know, just enough misty rain to wet the leaves. I've used wetting agents this year with gay abandon, and yet the soils are dry and large cracks are now appearing. The clay soils here swell with rain and literally shrink with drought, often damaging the root systems of trees and shrubs and lawn. It`s stormy again this week. Please, please let it RAIN............woohoo, it`s finally raining!

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